Being Intentional With Your Time

Being Intentional with your time

I know the shelter-at-home situation has left us inside the house 24/7, but that doesn’t mean that we are well-rested, or using our time in a way that is benefiting us. I’ve heard of so many people, including myself, that have been nonstop busy.  Just because we are inside all day doesn’t mean that life has completely stopped. Some of us still have online classes to get through, some have work, we have houses to clean, people we are trying to call… the day can easily fill up. It’s important to stay productive, but also build in time to replenish and be intentional with your time. This time in our lives where we don’t have social events competing for our attention, or a million errands to run, means that we have the opportunity to pause on a lot of things that fill up our time. We have an opportunity to rest and to spend time for ourselves. Friends, don’t miss out on this time to take a few minutes for yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. We want to make sure that this unprecedented time in history is used for growth and for good! Below are some ways that I found to help me be intentional and left feeling more at peace.

1. Stay active each day. Now, this is a hard one for me because I tend to get caught up in things, but I have realized staying at home all day working on things has led to sitting all day long! Try and get some activity in for at least an hour each day to stay fit, but also just to get a change in scenery. I like to mix it up with taking walks, working out in my backyard, and I’ve even tried a few online yoga classes. There are lots of options, so mix it up, but keep moving. The Peloton app is currently offering a free online trial for 90 days. They offer yoga, meditation, cycling, stretching, strength training, and more. Bodyweight workouts are another great way to stay fit during this time.

2. Meditation

This is one that I have been trying in the past year through an app called Headspace. They have different meditation sessions that vary in length and focus on different areas. Some sessions require you to subscribe, but there are also a lot that are free. I have stuck to using their free classes and have loved it. They are a great way to take a minute to control your breathing and find a moment of rest. I am someone whose thoughts are always going, so I am not always the best at meditation, but it is something I enjoy starting my day with. Even on days that feel overwhelming, taking a minute to run through a session helps me refocus.

3. Hammock

This a great way to relax and have some “me-time” while reading, napping, anything you want. Just find some trees, a car with racks on top, or a post and you’ll be set!

4. Spend time in the Word

I love reading my Bible in the morning and taking the time to be quiet before my day gets busy and distracting. This is something that I have been able to become consistent with since quarantine, but it can definitely be difficult to do each day. I like being able to start my day off with something that I know is truth and is helping me to learn and connect with God. If you want to do this, but don’t know where to even start, just pick a book of the Bible and read a little each day. I recently have been in Proverbs, and I read a chapter a day. Some are a little longer, but hey, we have a good deal of time on our hands, and what better way to spend it.

5. Journaling

When taking time for ourselves I think it is important to spend some time reflecting. It allows us to process what has recently happened in our lives, take a look at what we are feeling, and unload. I used to think that to the journal I had to write down every detail, but quickly learned it is whatever you want it to be! I like to use journaling to help me process when my mind gets too full, to write out prayers, things I am thankful for, and to capture what God is doing in my life.

6. Get creative

I have been trying to incorporate time dedicated to being creative and seeing how God speaks to me through it. Some days this has been my painting. Other times it has been me writing and drawing things out, trying to dream and see where God wants me to go. I have been trying to push myself to combine creativity, dreams, talents, and God’s calling on my life to see where it leads. It has been really fun and refreshing to take time to be creative and hear God speak in that way, which I usually wouldn’t have had as much time for during “normal life”.

7. Essential oils

If you don’t have a diffuser yet, go out and consider buying one for yourself! I love using my diffuser throughout my house and my dorm to obviously make it smell good, but also get the natural benefits they give. I love using lavender because it is calming, so I will usually put it on while I am journaling or reading. There are so many different scents and blends that you can do for various benefits. I usually get mine at Sprouts because they are cheaper and natural.

8. Spice up your day with your favorite drink

When I am going to spend time reading or being alone, I love having coffee in the mornings, or lemon water in the afternoon. Maybe some cold lemonade or a smoothie. Now while you definitely don’t need this, it can add an element of fun to your day.

9. Read

Is there a book you’ve been wanting to catch up on? Maybe an article or magazine you have been meaning to get to. Take that time off of your phone to read. I recently have been going through Sadie Robertson’s new book “LIVE”, so if you want an easy read with lots of great pieces of wisdom I highly recommend!

10. Listen to a podcast

Maybe reading isn’t your thing, or you want to sit back and just listen. There seems to be a podcast on everything nowadays. I love tuning into ones that give life advice, so I can learn something while I listen. There are so many out there though, so likely to be one you will find interesting!

11. Learn a new recipe

Some of us are great cooks, other of us are not so good (that would be me), but we can all still try out different meals. Learn to make something new, bake a treat. One of my personal goals is to improve my culinary capabilities, and for someone who greatly disliked cooking, it’s actually been a lot of fun.

12. Brainstorm goals/make a vision board

Just because life has a new normal, doesn’t mean we can’t set goals for ourselves each day and for quarantine. Just like you might make a vision board for the beginning of the new year, do it for your time at home. Fill it up with personal goals you have for yourself during this time and things you want to accomplish. Maybe there’s a project you want to work on or a business you want to start. Add different habits that you hope to end this quarantine time with.

13. Listen to music

Turn on your favorite song, set the mood for time to relax or be energized. Music is always a good backdrop to have no matter what you’re doing.

14. Spend time in worship

Now, this goes along with music, but one of the things I have missed is being able to go to church and worship alongside others. Going to a Christian college, where I had chapel three times a week and church on Sunday, to now nothing, has left me feeling the change. I miss being with friends, spending time where we are all learning and growing in our faith together. Even though I can’t do this in person right now, I still try to attend online church services, a zoom Bible study, having my own solo worship sessions, or listening to podcasts. I’ve tried to remember that in this time we need God more than ever, and to make sure I’m taking time to worship and praise Him— even if that looks a little different now. Sometimes I’ll just sit in my room on the floor, closing my eyes, and meditating on the lyrics, making them my prayer. I share this because in those moments, I feel so connected to God and it has helped me continue having a strong confidence in Him.

At the end of the day, you know what brings you joy and what allows you to relax, so spend time in whatever that is! Add solo time into your days, and use it to connect with God and yourself.