

Gia is another good friend from college who has a heart on fire for Jesus! She is someone who is always checking in and she is a model example of someone who lives each day full of joy. She has a strong confidence in the Lord, and wherever she goes she shines a light for Jesus.

What does life look like and mean to you when you are fully remaining in Jesus? 

What a beautiful question. Words cannot describe what it feels like to be in God’s presence. For me to be fully in Jesus is to radiate his love and his compassion. Although it’s still a working progress, choosing love instead of hate, joy instead of depression, grace instead of shame, reminds me of God’s promises. To be fully in Jesus, requires complete surrenderance. For me this looks like surrendering my day, my tasks, my friends and family to Jesus in the midst of stress and anxiety. To be fully in Jesus is to know that he is right there with me in everything I do. I am not alone. 

In what ways do you connect with God on a daily basis?

Every morning I spend around 30 minutes with the lord as soon as I wake up before working out, or going on my phone. This time is so intimate. Sometimes putting worship music is good to feel God’s presence. And other times he meets us in the stillness. I see it as relationship with my best friend. We can talk about anything. Through this season, Jesus has been teaching me that it’s ok to be human, and to have grace for myself. This has been my current routine since being in isolation. But also going on quick runs around my neighborhood encourages me to have mini talks with the Lord about things on my mind. This is a time to stay thankful but also learning to have grace for ourselves.

Favorite Bible verse right now

16 In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the Evil One! 17-18 Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God. Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers.

Ephesians 6:16-18 The Passion translation


Gia is 19 years old. She was born in England, she has four brother, and lived in Italy for a month. Check our her health and fitness blog My Wholesome Lifestyle!

Follow Gia on Instagram @giacrivello