Keeping A Routine During Quarantine

Creating a Routine

I think it’s safe to say that staying at home for a month now has our days all mixed up. Is it Monday.. or maybe its Wednesday.. is there even a difference between a weekday and weekend..? Now, while it’s definitely nice to have some lazy days and taking advantage of going on zoom calls in pajamas, we still have to find ways to keep up our motivation to get through all of our responsibilities. I am someone who needs to have a schedule and routine throughout my day to keep me on track. Not to mention it can also just help life feel a little more normal by not letting each day melt away with the others, and having things that I accomplish each day. It has been my goal during quarantine to practice developing good habits/activities into my day… and actually be consistent with them. I wanted to share some of the things I have been trying to incorporate into my day that have been leaving my days feeling more life-giving. Also, I’ll share some ways I’ve found helpful in keeping on track with these habits and a routine overall.

  1. Have a morning routine. Starting the day off by being intentional and with a routine can help you get motivated and ready to start your day in a positive way. Here are some ideas to incorporate into your morning routine:

    • Make your bed

    • Stretch

    • Meditate

    • Drink water

    • Read your Bible

    • Get ready for the day

    • Play worship music

    • Plan out your day

  2. Throughout your day you will have your own stuff going on (school/work/taking care of kids/cleaning, etc.), so an easy way to help you stay on track, remain organized, and keep productive is to make a daily schedule. Plan out your day with all of your action items, and block out different times for things you want to accomplish. I have found that when I have a set time, it helps me not push it to later and forget. Ways to keep a schedule each day:

    • Use a planner

    • Use a google calendar to write in meetings, calls, tests, due dates (I use google calendar)

    • Get a whiteboard

    • Write down a To-Do-List

    • Download a planner template or make your own

  3. On top of the action items that you have each day, take advantage of this time at home to be intentional in your personal growth and relationship with God. Try incorporating these into your days:

    • Do something active

    • Spend time with God

    • Solo time

    • Clean and organize your spaces

    • Drink plenty of water

    • Reach out to a friend/family member to get in a dose of social time

  4. Have a nighttime routine. Just like you started the day off right, you want to end the day right. Try and do things that build in daily reflection and things that aren’t just your phone. Here are some ideas for a nighttime routine:

    • Take time to read instead of being on your phone

    • Journal/reflect on the day

    • Write down what you’re greatful for

    • Write down what brought you joy that day (could be the same as gratitude)

    • Stretch

    • Drink tea

    • Pray

    I hope you can incorporate some of these ideas at times in your day that work for you. As you do, I think you will feel your days are more productive and joyful!