welcome, I’m LIndsay!
I am passionate about getting to know others and sharing about jesus!
In the beginning of 2020, God began teaching me what it meant to abide in Jesus. At that point in my life I was strong in my faith, but still had a narrow mind of what a life with Jesus could actually look like. When I went to college, I began to meet people with different backgrounds and experiences than what I had grown up with. The conversations I had with all of these different people is what challenged me to dig deeper in what I believe and learning the character of God. I became convicted that I was on the surface claiming I lived a life for Jesus, but in reality I was not doing that in a lot of ways, which became something I wanted to change.
Then in April of 2020, right when Covid was becoming more real and shut-downs were now a new normal, God put it on my heart to start a blog in order to share what He was teaching me. I felt God so strongly say “people are not called to remain in fear, but are called to remain in Jesus.” I had no idea how to start a website, how to talk about God with others, quite honestly anything you would need to start a blog I did not have. However, God has taught me when He calls you, all you have to do is say yes and He will work out the rest, so that’s what I did! Since then I have learned new things every day, and have gotten to see how God will speak through me in ways I never knew possible. I have no idea what God is going to do with Abide, but as I said the first day I started this, I am so stoked to find out!
♡ Lindsay
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