Having Joy in the Midst of Pain

Choose Joy

It was March 24th, 2019 when my church had a guest speaker come. This was two months before graduating high school and it was a pretty difficult season of my life. I had been dealing with personal challenges and learning to grow, but it was a time when it was hard to not be frustrated with God for what was happening.

That Sunday, the speaker talked about Grit. He went into how in life there are going to be hardships and struggles. These moments may last days, months, and even years. However, God does not allow those moments in our lives for a meaningless purpose. No matter how difficult the hardship is, HOLD ON. Just keep going. Eventually, you will see the purpose that God has for those moments. You will see God use them in your life for good and you will see Him keep his promises. In the midst of the pain and the struggle though, you can find JOY. Here is where the speaker said a sentence that I will never forget.

There is a key difference in life between being happy and having joy.

Happiness is in moments that fade, but joy can be ALWAYS. Joy is gladness not based on circumstance. It can be in the midst of pain and in the good. It is a choice and a decision that you make in regards to how you will see life in those moments. When I realized this, it was a game-changer because even though I could not change the situation and circumstances I was in, I could change my attitude, heart, and mentality. I could choose to be grateful and full of joy. I finally could stop chasing something that was fleeting, and instead, possess something eternal—joy.

God is the source of life, the source of love, and is the only One who can fully satisfy our hearts. Therefore, even when our circumstances in life consist of struggle and suffering, this has nothing to do with the presence of God. The presence of God is still with us and is still dwelling in our hearts. We can at any point have the joy of the Lord. If you have God in your life friends, then you can have joy. And if you have joy, you can embark on anything because even in pain and even in the midst of trials, you can rest assured that God is still leading you.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11

God is still championing for you to prosper. He is still holding you in the palm of His hand. He is still placing moments in your life, people, and memories that give you a touch of heaven and a heart of joy. When you feel you are being pushed to your breaking point, or when you don’t understand why you are going through something you never planned on, seek to have eyes open to see what God is doing. Make an active choice to have joy in that time. Your joy might be in simply knowing that you are in the midst of a hardship, but God has a purpose in it. Your joy may be in a friend you got to grab coffee with, watching the sunset with others, having dinner with friends, sitting at the beach, doing artwork, playing a game, a book chapter you get to read. The important thing is to hold onto those moments that bring you joy and be thankful for them every time they come around.

♡ Lindsay

Reflection: As you go throughout your day, be intentional about taking note of everything that brings you joy and that you are thankful for (even if it is super simple).

Difference between joy and happiness
Psalm 16:11