Choosing a Word for the Year

word of the year

One way to start a new year is by picking a word for the year. Now if I am being honest a lot of times God puts multiple words on my heart for each year, but regardless I think it is not only fun but super neat to dedicate time to choosing a word(s) for the year. I know it can be slightly confusing and perhaps overwhelming how you choose one word for the year, so here are some things I have found helpful in recognizing a word God may be highlighting to you.

  1. The purpose of even choosing a word for the year is to explore that word and to see what it might hold for you. The first thing I would do is sit down and consider some of these questions before choosing a word (feel free to write down your answers or anything that comes to mind):

    • What is something you tend to struggle with, or an area of your life you want to grow in? Perhaps this is being patient with others, letting go of control, listening intently, making time to sit with God, etc.

    • When you think of who you want to be (the qualities you want to have and the person you feel God calling you to be), what comes to mind? Maybe you want to be more creative since in Genesis God invites every one of us to be creative in life, or maybe it is to be someone who is known for being a genuine friend.

    • Are there any themes, words, ideas, or verses that have been coming up multiple times? For me, repetition is a way that God speaks to me (and I have found it to be so with many others), so take time to think about what has continued to come up. For me, as of the past week the word fearless has surfaced in verses, conversations, and podcasts (I have no idea what God might do with this word, but I have recognized that it has been brought up several times).

    • As someone who is a follower of God (if you aren’t then I would encourage you to explore the bible this next year!), what is it that the bible calls you to? What does the bible have to say about the way believers should live their lives, the way they should think and speak, the qualities they should have, etc?

    • What have you been learning the past year? What breakthrough have you experienced, and how can you continue to build and develop this area?

  2. Spend time in prayer and worship. When I take time to think about the next year I love to have on worship music and to just pray for God to highlight whatever it is He wants me to focus on the next year. You can pray over the next year of your life, and just use that prayer time to simply talk with God about whatever is on your heart.

  3. Did any words pop in your head during your time? Do you see any consistent themes (for example maybe you notice you struggle with letting go of control, and that you like to have a perfect plan for everything, yet the bible mentions you are called to trust him—so the words trust, confidence, surrender may come up)? Ultimately there is no perfect formula to choosing a word but is instead a process of reflection. Don’t put pressure on yourself to choose the perfect word or have a perfect system. If a word doesn’t come to you that’s okay, choose multiple words or areas you want to focus on. Regardless of how you choose to set up this next year, remember God will move in your life no matter what word you choose and this is only the beginning of a new year!

Lastly, here are some ideas for ways to remind yourself of your word for the year!

  • You can get it engraved on a piece of jewelry (my favorite thing to do!)

  • Get a keychain made

  • Get a custom bag with the word

  • Write down the word and hang it where you can see it

  • Write down pieces of scripture about the word and hang them up

  • Create a mood board for what the year might look like with that word(s) as your focus

  • Ask someone to pray with you about that word

Moving into 2021 here we go!!