

Gracie is one of my beautiful cousins. She is the kindest and one of the most supportive friends you could ever meet. She is a true example of someone who genuinely loves and cares for everyone, and sees people the way that God sees them.

What does life look like and mean to you when you are fully remaining in Jesus?

Lately, I have felt that living a life with God is trusting his plan for us as well as finding people who are in a difficult state and bringing them to Jesus. In this difficult season, it is easy for people to fall through the cracks and feel lonely or in pain. I have felt that I am called to find people in this time that need a friend or even just someone to pray with. When living with Jesus in my life, everything turns out better when I trust Him. I feel more fulfilled and joyful!

In what ways do you connect with God on a daily basis?

On a daily basis, I have been trying to read my bible and do devotionals. If I don’t do those, I definitely pray every day for my family’s health, friend’s health, as well as the people who are out helping others beat the virus (and people with the virus). To connect to God, I often pray if I am feeling down. I also love talking to my small group leader!

Favorite Bible verse right now

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day”

Psalms 91:4-5


Gracie is 15 years old. She plays water polo, loves hanging out with friends, and loves to paint!

Follow Gracie on Instagram @gracie.noelle.7