

Audrey is one of my good friends that I met a few years back at a Pepperdine conference. She is one of those friends who no matter how often you see each other, you always pick up right where you left off. She has taught me so much about being such an intentional friend. She is someone who truly puts her faith into action, and I can’t wait for y’all to read what she had to share!

What does life look like and mean to you when you are fully remaining in Jesus? 

Remain in me. It’s the gentle whisper, barely heard over the crashing waves. It’s persistent, powerful but not forceful; each word spoken with such grace. The ocean is where He feels closest—the overwhelming depths are the only tangible way I can grasp His love. 

When I feel God’s call to remain, it usually comes during a time of restlessness. Those days of just go-go-go, constantly moving from one thing to the next, afraid of what will be uncovered in the moments of idleness. The mask I find myself wearing most often, is the mask of business. In constantly moving from one thing to the next, I’m able to run from those doubts and fears creeping in the back of my mind. Who am I if I am not doing all these different things? What is my purpose on this earth? If all was lost, would Christ really be enough?

God calls us to REMAIN in his love. To embrace those moments of stillness. To welcome the peace that comes with an identity rooted in him, rather than constantly trying to fill our worth with our day-to-day commitments or achievements. God’s love is enough. A life fully remaining in Jesus is one lived out in reverence of him, not in the hopes of finding self validation or worth. A life remaining in his love and truth frees you from the endless pursuit of purpose, for his love give us an everlasting reason for living.

In what ways do you connect with God on a daily basis?

Remaining in touch with Jesus calls for daily communication with him. For me I have found that journaling out my thoughts and prayers has really helped me get in the practice of just talking to God. Through God’s gift of the Holy Spirit, we are able to have direct communication with HIM—the king of kings and creator of the heavens and the earth. Time spent with God allows for his joy and love to flood into your heart so that you may bare his good fruits.

What are you currently doing to connect with God in the midst of what’s going on in the world and having to stay at home?

During this time of quarantine I have spent much more time just being outside with God—whether it’s going for a walk or a run, or just sitting outside journaling. I have found such peace in these moments of stillness that I used to spend so much time running from. God whispers his wisdom and truth in the stillness, and this time away from the business has allowed to embrace these moments quietness so much more. 

Favorite Bible verse right now

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”

Jeremiah 29:11

♡ Audrey

Audrey is 19 years old. She was born in Maine. She loves surfing, Chai tea, ketchup, meeting new people, and exploring new places!

Follow Audrey on Instagram @audreyyy_05