The Year of Perfect Vision Can Still Happen


When we entered into this year everyone was excited because it was the year 2020, the year of perfect vision. Then the coronavirus hit and things started turning not so great so people began to say never mind. Well, have you ever stopped to think about how it is that you envision something great, much less perfect? Many of us think that quarantine and social distancing has put an end to our hopes of a year that would lead to “perfect vision”, but I would say otherwise. I know how hard it has been for people during this time and the disappointment that has set over things being canceled and plans changing. I would encourage you though to not let the difficulty of this season of life keep you from using it for good to prosper. Don’t let our own plans and wants not happening, keep us from what God has planned for us during this time! Use this time to actually accomplish your goals, to follow through with those new habits, to take time to reflect, learn something new. This season will eventually end, but it’s up to us how we come out of it.
