

Esther is one of my best friends and someone who has had such a big impact on my life. She loves people so well and anyone you ask will tell you she is a friend to everyone she meets. She is thoughtful, creative, and always ready for an adventure. She speaks so much truth and it is truly a blessing for anyone who gets to learn from her!

What does life look like and mean to you when you are fully remaining in Jesus?

The first thing that comes to mind would be a life that is completely and utterly in love with who God is. I imagine an overwhelming adoration that is not able to be contained in just our quiet times or Sunday services. It will unknowingly leak out as contagious worship in every aspect of our life. Not only will this love feel tangible, but it will allow us to see others and the world around us as He does. It will grow a passion inside that can only propel us into action. (Jesus' disciples were rarely passive people.) I believe that when we are fully remaining in Him, we will be in a continual state of awe as we understand more of God's character and the blessings of grace He gives. I think of the times in my life when I am at a complete loss of words, times God allows me to experience His presence and favor when I am more than undeserving. I hope the more I learn to remain in Him, the more I can begin to live in this admiration endlessly. The process of getting there is going to be a long one, but how exciting the journey will be!

In what ways do you connect with God on a daily basis?

Over the past year, I've felt pretty strongly that God wanted to break down some of the boundaries I had put around Him. Instead of trying to set a specific time in the morning or evening, I felt that God wanted to teach me to acknowledge Him throughout more of the diverse moments in my life. It was easy to think that God needed an invitation, but I always have to remind myself that at every single second, we have been graciously gifted with God's presence. I am far too guilty of especially disregarding His fingerprint in the mundane. I have found that as I wrestle with how to worship God through a walk on the beach, studying for finals, going for a run, or even just a conversation with a friend, I have been so encouraged to see how God delightfully takes the advantage to speak through the various different events that clutter my day.

A POWERFUL prayer I love!

“Lord, break my heart for what breaks Yours and bind my heart to thee. 

Give me eyes to see the world as You do. Give me ears to hear the cries of others and to love them as you do.”


Esther is 19 years old. She grew up in the Philippines and went to high school in Thailand. She is the youngest in a family of 5 and an Aunt to the cutest little trouble maker. (Lived with Lindsay for a couple of weeks and loved it! ;) )

Follow Esther on Instagram @xestherlila
