Your Father says "I love you"

As we approach Christmas I want to share a few words of hope. I don’t know what your Christmas season has looked like so far. Perhaps it has been full of joy, laughter, and family, or maybe it has been full of pain and stress. I don’t know what your circumstances are right now, or what you are walking through. However, I do know that in this season, and every season, you have been given a gift- Jesus.

You see, your Heavenly Father was thinking of you long before you ever existed. He so desperately wanted to live alongside you, and to cover you from all darkness and sin, so He thought of a solution, a covenant. God decided to send down His Son, Jesus, for you! Not for himself, but for you, so that you could be set free and dwell among Him in heaven one day.

We talk about how Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus, but do we take time to think through all that little baby signifies? That little baby laying in a manger, He signifies so much more than we could ever wrap our minds around. That little baby signifies endless miracles to come, stories of healing, and generations that are to be saved. He signifies a new covenant that the Lord is offering to His people, one where we are covered and made white as snow. He signifies the holiness, power, and greatness of God. He signifies how much the Father loves you! If you question whether you are loved, look to that scene in a manger because that speaks to the Father’s love for you. Freedom, love, peace, joy, forgiveness, fulfillment, life, contentment, all of that is offered to you because God sent down Jesus. Your Father is crying out to you that He so deeply loves you.

Isaiah 43:4 says “Because you are precious in my sight and honored, and I love you”.

He loves you. Hold onto that this season. Your father loves you.

Merry Christmas!

Love, Linz