Look at All God Did in Your Life This Year

We have entered into a new year! 2022 here we are. The new year brings excitement and for many of us the idea of a fresh start. While you can have a fresh start with your calendar and goals for the year, let’s not forget that we have already been given a fresh start in Jesus. It doesn’t take a new year for our sins to be wiped clean and made white as snow. It doesn’t take a new year for us to take God up on living a life for Him, on accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior. Jesus has offered you new life and will continue to every single day of your life. Can we just get an amen to that?!

Now many people will set new resolutions when it comes to a new year. Some people will pick a word for the year, others will reflect on the past year. This video contains a few things that I like to do when closing a year and starting a new one. No matter what type of reflection or resolutions you do, let’s remember that the ultimate thing to reflect on, is what did God did in your life this past year? In what ways did you see God work this year? How did He grow something in you, what gifts did He reveal to you, what words did He speak to you?

I encourage you to take time to think through all that God did this past year. Write it down, so you can remember it year after year. God is a God of details and is so neat to write down and remember those details down the line.

In the video, I talk about how in addition to reflecting, I love to sit and be prayerful about any possible words the Lord wants me to focus on that year. Are there any words I should take note of? Any goals that I should set that can help me be more of who He has created me to be? I love to keep a journal where I keep track of different words the Lord puts on my heart throughout the year, as well as scriptures and just thoughts. The Lord will often speak to me through other people or my Bible time, and so I write all of that down so I can turn back. I encourage you to do something of the sort for the year 2022.

Here is to another year of running the race with Jesus! Check out the video below!

LifestyleLindsay @ABIDE