Step 2 to Reconciliation: The Holy Spirit

Here we are on step 2 of how to bring reconciliation to our world! We’re talking all about the holy spirit! Part of bringing reconciliation means becoming aware of the areas in our lives where we have to grow and allow change to occur. That my friends is where the holy spirit comes in.


Reflection: Read through Acts 2, which contains the Day of Pentacost- notice how every person was included and could understand that day. After spend some solo time, reflecting on what the Holy Spirit may be bringing to your attention. What is God trying to make you aware of today, and possibly even convict you of (remember while it’s never an enjoyable experience to have to admit when we’ve fallen short or done something wrong, it is what will lead to us bettering ourselves and the kingdom of God)? If there are some things that come to mind for you to change in your life, then spend some time in prayer, asking for God’s forgiveness, but for Him to also come alongside you as you bring about change. I personally like to write down my prayers, so I can look back and get out all of my thoughts. Lastly, remember that the Holy Spirit was a gift from God, so use it!!

♡ Lindsay Jewel

The year of thinking differently
Progression not perfection
Day of Pentacost- every nation, every tongue