Faith Over Fear

Faith over fear

“The fear of mankind is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected” Proverbs 29:25

When the news came out that everyone had to begin social distancing and staying in their homes, there was a lot of fear and uncertainty. I definitely understand how people are feeling this way right now with getting sick, uncertainty of jobs, school, friends, and not to mention life still continuing. It can be difficult to not be able to be in control of things, and so the uncertainty of what tomorrow holds is a really difficult place to be in. What I have constantly been reminding myself of though is that God is in control! It has given me so much peace remembering that I don’t need to spend time worrying about tomorrow because God is here with us. I can find joy in knowing that in this season of waiting for normalcy to continue, His spirit is still here with me. His hand is at work around the world and he is as close to us as ever. I mentioned in a previous post how God has been speaking to me through John 15 and reminding me that I am called to remain in Him. When the shelter at home orders began, I felt God once again tugging on my heart saying people need to hear and be reminded of this more than ever!

Friends we are not called to remain in fear. We are called to remain in Jesus.

We have never been called to remain in fear and we sure aren’t now. When you are in a relationship with Jesus, you are able to take that fear and whatever else is not from God, and give it to Him. We can fully relinquish control to the Father, and have faith to believe and trust that God is working and in control. Talk to Him, pray, ask a friend to pray over you, spend time in His word. Familiarize yourself with His promises and read about the endless amounts of time that He has been faithful when we would have imagined otherwise. Take time to connect with God in whatever way works for you, focus on what is in your control, and the good that is still in your life. I promise you will begin to feel a shift. He is fully present here with us and working for good to prosper. This season of isolation will end and there will be good outcomes. I don’t know what that is yet, and it probably won’t look like just one thing. Let that bring you comfort though that you have the choice to remain in a God who is personal, never failing and always working. Fear, anxiety, uncertainty, frustration— invite God into that space and SURRENDER it all to Him.

Sometimes when I find myself not being able to get out of that spot of fear or lack of control, listening to a song and hearing over and over again words of encouragement and truth help me to get back to where I am called. There’s a song/mix of two songs called See A Victory & Surrounded that I love to listen to when I feel the weight of life. It lights a fire inside me knowing I have a God on my side who has already won all battles, and I can have full trust in Him. The song repeats at one point this is how I fight my battles… this is how I fight my battles. During that part I just sit there remembering that me trusting in God is how I get through what comes my way. It goes on to say…

It may look like I'm surrounded, but I'm surrounded by You

It may look like I'm surrounded, but I'm surrounded by You

It may look like I'm surrounded, but I'm surrounded by You

Make that your prayer this week. Sing it over and over until your heart believes it.

If you want some verses to help with fear, Sadie Robertson, a Christian speaker, writer, etc recently released a post on her blog about 10 Verses to Help With Fear. I highly recommend checking it out! It gives you some short verses that you can add to your toolbox to help you combat fear in your life.

I will be praying that you will be filled with peace and comfort as you go throughout these next weeks! As always if you have any questions or something you want me to pray about please reach out!

♡ Lindsay

Reflection: Take time to think about what you have been letting take control of your mind recently. Spend time with God, maybe it is in prayer or a silent moment, and invite Him into that space. Invite Him into the area that has been consuming you, and give it to Him. Maybe you need to come up with a plan on what you are going to do when those thoughts flood your mind, so spend time figuring that out. It may be you need to read over scripture that contains verses on God’s faithfulness and promises.

Faith over fear
Called to remain in Jesus over remaining in fear
We are called to remain in Jesus