

Believe—a word we hear quite a lot. Believe in yourself, believe in your work, believe in God. This word can be light-hearted at times, but often when we are actually in a season of suffering/unknown/closed doors, the word “believe” all of a sudden becomes heavy. I am sure many of us are familiar with the verse, “We live by faith not sight,” in 2 Corinthians, which is a powerful verse to live our lives by but let’s be honest, it can be so hard. When God doesn’t answer our prayers, when it feels like door after door is shut, when God calls us to do something that makes no sense, it can be so easy to doubt if we really can believe in God’s plans. However, I can firmly say every single time God has asked me to step out in faith and BELIEVE—that He is good, that He has plans that far surpass my imagination (it might not be what we expect), that He has a purpose for each season of my life, that He is a redeemer, that His way is what will bring about fruit—God has proven to be faithful. Every. Single. Time. This does not mean it was not hard, or there was no pain and healing that I had to walk through, or that it happened according to my timeline, but it does mean every time I have chosen to believe, God has met me with so much goodness. My testimony so far has been just that—a testimony to God’s faithfulness.

I know you may be feeling low today, worn out, or just full of doubt. You might be saying Lindsay I don’t have it in me to believe. My friend, drop what you are doing right now, let go of what you are holding onto, and just get on your knees and worship. Take up the position of surrender and just kneel before God, and let him rush over you. Friend, take the little bit you have left and believe. I am writing this to myself today too. Practically every day I have to get on my knees and just declare that I believe because, to be honest with you, it is all I can do. I cannot fix situations, I cannot predict the future, I cannot understand a lot of what goes on, but I can choose to surrender and believe in the one who is all-knowing, powerful, gracious, compassionate, and loving.

There is a song called “Spirit Lead Me” that I have been clinging to recently. I have turned it into a conversation between God and me, which I love because it puts into words what I can’t seem to. The lyrics go

This is my worship, this is my offering
In every moment, I withhold nothing
I'm learning to trust You, even when I can't see it
And even in suffering, I have to believe it

Even in suffering, I have to believe it—do you know how powerful that is to pray and declare over your season? Yes, it is bold, yes it requires you to step out in faith, but man if you can get to the place where you just declare you will believe no matter what, I promise you God will meet you. God will use that bold faith for His Kingdom and for your life. Now, you may be wondering what it looks like to walk out with a belief in God. The next lyrics of the song have been my action steps and what I choose for myself every day.

If You say, "It's wrong, " then I'll say, "No"
If You say "Release, " I'm letting go
If You're in it with me, I'll begin
And when You say to jump, I'm diving in
If You say, "Be still, " then I will wait
If You say to trust, I will obey
I don't wanna follow my own ways
I'm done chasing feelings, Spirit lead me

My friend, have the courage to step out in faith. Be bold in your prayers, be bold in what you believe God can do with you and your life. Be firm in remembering the goodness God has displayed so far in your life. Take the word of God and believe what is written in its pages. If I am honest, this is the only way I know how to walk through seasons of suffering and unknowns. This is it. Denying everything my flesh, the world, and my circumstances tell me, and just believing—and every time God does the rest.

I want to leave this post by saying if you are struggling with the step of whether or not to believe God exists, then please reach out. That is a conversation I would love to talk about and hear your thoughts on. That in itself can come with so many questions, and so if you are wrestling with it, I encourage you to continue to seek. The Bible says those who seek will find. God wants to have a relationship with you, He wants you to encounter Him. He wants to offer you eternal life and for you to know how deeply He loves you! He sees you!

♡ Linz

Proverbs 3:5-6
2 Timothy 1:7
Hebrews 11:6
James 1:6