Be the Light in the Lives Around You

Spreading positivity to those around you

Life is full of its fair share of rough moments. Whether it is a moment in the day or a season of life, there are times that can feel overwhelming. I am writing to you in the midst of what is a tough season for many who are trying to figure out what life looks like with all of the changes due to Coronavirus. Not to mention all of the battles people around the world were facing before. One of the things that make these moments possible to get through is having people there to support you. Community is such a vital piece of life!

It has been so beautiful to see how different people are seeking to encourage others right now. People are being creative in leaving painted rocks with encouraging messages along walking trails, leaving sidewalk art with positive messages, posting encouraging words, and so much more! Right now, more than ever, we need to be there for one another and contribute to light being spread in the lives of those around us. Here are some simple ways to contribute to the love and kindness we can share at this time.

1. Use chalk to create driveway and sidewalk drawings and messages. An easy way to share an encouraging message, Bible verse, and bring lots of smiles to people’s faces.

2. Write a note to a friend, family member, or neighbor. Let them know how much they mean to you!

3. Paint or draw a picture for someone.

4. Design stickers to hand out to people with a positive message/reminder.

5. Bake a special treat and deliver them to people.

6. Have fruit trees? Leave a basket and a sign in your front yard encouraging people to enjoy!

7. Design a poster and hang them up around your city with encouraging messages.

8. Create different wallpapers and posts for social media to encourage and uplift people.

9. Text or call a friend to check-in.

10. Buy or pick flowers and leave them on someone’s doorstep.

11. Paint rocks with positive messages and leave them around popular walking trails.

12. Offer to get groceries for someone who can’t.

13. Paint a clay pot and give it to someone for their plants.

14. Print out your favorite quote or Bible verse, frame it, and give it to a friend.

15. Buy a box of donuts, write a sweet message on it, and bring it to a friend.

16. Create a sign with a positive message and put it in your front yard.

17. Buy a coffee for someone and write a note on it.

18. Leave sticky notes around the house with encouraging messages.

19. Make jewelry and give them out to friends and family.

Now go out and be the light ☆

19 ways to spread the light to those around you