New Wine


Y’all let me tell you- if I have learned one thing these past 6-8 months, it is God brings His messages, lessons, revelations, whatever you want to call them FULL circle. Just when you think you’ve soaked up a passage for all it can be, God comes around with something new to connect with it. What I am sharing in this video, is that for me. This concept of God making New Wine in our lives is one that God has been revealing to me since February (although I had no idea at the time- a story for another day). It brings John 15, where Jesus is calling us to abide in Him, so that we may produce fruit and taking it even further. Because as Jesus says in John 15:16 He wants “our fruit to remain”, but the question is how do you preserve fruit that is going to go bad in a few days time? You crush it and press it, so that all of the sweet goodness and nutrients are squeezed out to make wine. In our lives, in order for the fruit that is being produced by us abiding in Jesus to last, it has to be pressed on. In the season you are going through, where you are uncomfortable and struggling, Jesus can use that season of pressing to make new wine in your life. He can use the pressing moments in life to prepare us for the blessings to come, and transform us into a new creation in Him.


Reflection: Listen to the song New Wine by Hillsong United. It is so timely for where our world is at, and the seasons of pressing many of us feel stuck in. I have linked the lyric video, so that you can mediate on the words. Make the words your prayer, learn from them, remind yourself of them, set your heart on fire for them.

If you want some questions to reflect on:

  1. Where is God allowing me to feel pressed on right now? What have I learned so far about God, myself, or others in this season of pressing?

  2. Do I offer my life (my calling, my plans, who I am) up for God to do what He wants?

Lastly, I will leave the prayer I read over you down below. It is a bold prayer to ask for God to make new wine in you because let me tell you He will do it. He will bring that change, He will send you to spaces that will transform and prepare you- and man, will you be grateful when you look back. Friends, He has so much for you- so so much- you just have to say Yes.


Make me Your vessel- a vessel for Your spirit, a vessel for Your plans, a vessel for the calling You have on my life. Lord, I pray that you will continue to break down my plans and expectations so that I continue to be astounded by your goodness every time. I pray that my heart desires what you have for me, over my own. That I will say Yes today and everyday after with a Bold confidence in the plans you have for me. Even when I can’t see it, that I will have a full surrendering to you, so that you can make me into new wine. 


God make new wine in me
John 15:16
ThoughtsLindsay @ABIDEComment