God Will Equip You

God is equipping you

Throughout quarantine, God has put strongly on my heart that when I fully decide to abide in Him, that means saying yes to wherever He is calling me. Me fully remaining in Him is me desiring my heart, and ultimately my life to be transformed by Him. I have shared on this in the past few blog posts, but if you’re like me, you may have the question, “what if God calls me somewhere I don’t feel prepared for?” There have been many times (like feeling God call me to start this blog), where I have felt unequipped. When I was preparing to launch the blog, at that point I felt God call me to start it, I said yes to God, but I was left feeling like I lacked so many skills in order to actually be able to launch a blog. I had no prior experience in starting a website, I had no photography, video, or writing experience, I had never read a full book of the Bible at that point— there were a lot of things that made me feel unprepared. However what I have learned is that God designs each of us uniquely, with different strengths and skills. When He calls us somewhere He has all of those gifts in mind. God sees the entire picture of His plans for the world, and plans for our lives. He knows what experiences we have already gone through, and what we have learned and gained from each of them. He also knows what we will continue to go through, and again what we will learn. When God calls you somewhere, often times He has already prepared you for what you are going to do, and He will continue to lead you as you step into that calling. When we feel unequipped, God is smiling down saying, “my child you are exactly who I need for this. You are exactly where I need you to be”.

In Exodus 4:10-11 it says, But Moses replied to the Lord, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent—either in the past or recently or since you have been speaking to your servant—because my mouth and my tongue are sluggish. The Lord said to him, “Who placed a mouth on humans? Who makes a person mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say.”

God’s plans are mighty and awe-inspiring, both in where He is calling you, and how He is going to use you there. You are chosen by God, and He will not let you fall. Just as God called Moses to speak, and we see in those verses Moses is like whoah there God, hold on. I am not a speaker, my mouth and tongue are sluggish, you need to find someone else God. And what does God say? He doesn’t say, okay Moses you’re right, you are unprepared, I called the wrong person— No! God first reminds Moses that He is the one who even gave man a mouth to speak from, and secondly, God says “I WILL help you speak and I WILL teach you what to say”. God is going to be right there wherever He calls Moses, continuing to equip Him.

When God places a calling on our lives, when He calls us to move somewhere new, when He calls us to go talk to a stranger— He is not calling us to go alone. The Holy Spirit is dwelling inside every single one of us, giving us the words we need, guiding our steps. God is placing the people we need in our lives, He is providing a way for where we need to go. The Lord is with you every single day, and every single moment.

He has chosen YOU. He has equipped and prepared YOU. He will never leave YOU. So go forward with confidence in the Lord, ignite excitement in your heart to see where He is taking you!

“Whenever they bring you before synagogues and rulers and authorities, don’t worry about how you should defend yourselves or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that very hour what must be said.” Luke 12:11-12

♡ Lindsay
